
This project started as a way to combine something I love – hand knitting and crocheting – with a way to help people and give out all of the things that I have made.  It certainly is still that, but it has grown much larger! Now it is a prayer/faith healing ministry as well.  I use the money people donate or spend buying the handcrafted items to replenish my yarn supply and help fund both a virtual and in person healing ministry.


About Me:

I am a licensed veterinarian.  For many years, I have had a successful house call practice focused on acupuncture, herbal therapy, food therapy and other more holistic or alternative practices.  Many times during an appointment, I would have clients request that I work on them.  I can’t do that, but it got me started thinking about how I could help my clients.  This led down a long road of learning which now includes training for Cranio Sacral Therapy, certification as a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, and Ordained Ministry. My practice now involves helping dogs, cats and people lead full, healthy lives through body, soul and spirit wellness.

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